Rev. Jermaine Young, Sr.


Rev. Jermaine Young, Sr., an ordained minister, is the passionate founder and driving force behind Stick 2 The Scriptures Apparel LLC. Beyond his role in ministry, he is a devoted husband and proud father of four children. With a deep commitment to spreading God's Word and inspiring faith, Rev. Young infuses his leadership with compassion, integrity, and unwavering dedication. Through Stick 2 The Scriptures Apparel, he channels his spiritual calling into tangible expressions of faith, crafting each garment with love and purpose. Rev. Young's vision extends far beyond fashion; it is a testament to his desire to touch hearts, uplift spirits, and illuminate souls with the timeless truths of Scripture. His journey as a minister and entrepreneur is characterized by a profound sense of purpose, a steadfast commitment to his values, and an unwavering belief in the transformative power of faith-infused fashion.

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