Expressing God's Word Through Attire

We are Stick 2 The Scriptures Apparel LLC, a dedicated team led by Rev. Jermaine Young, Sr., committed to spreading the transformative power of God's Word through fashion. As an ordained minister, Rev. Young infuses each garment with the timeless truths of Scripture, creating wearable testimonies that inspire and uplift.

Our mission extends beyond mere apparel - we aim to ignite faith, empower believers, and illuminate souls through our carefully crafted designs. With every piece we create, we invite you to join us in expressing your devotion boldly and spreading the message of God's love to all generations. We offer all of our customers a wide choice of clothes at a range of prices to fit most budgets. In addition, we pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service. Our staff is ready and willing to help with any questions. Should there be any problems, our friendly and professional staff will be on hand to help. Come along and see what we have to offer.

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